EPALE News: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/…/integration-diversity-and…

The constant changes that our societies are undergoing as a whole, reinforce the need for the continuous update of knowledge and training provision. The implementation of training modalities that are suitable for adult training are becoming increasingly relevant. The Erasmus+ KA2 project Integration of Diversity and Social Inclusion (IDISI) has prepared approaches to adult education with the scope to reduce disparities in access and participation in formal and non-formal education, addressing issues such as discrimination and exclusion, especially in relation to those people with a low level of qualification, in the three groups defined: People with disabilities (including people with impaired sight and the deaf), women, immigrants (including asylum seekers, refugees, and the Roma travellers).

The IDISI Project proposes ways to update knowledge and skills in the field of education, ensuring a process of continuous improvement. By training the trainers, IDISI created a wide network of skilled professionals, capable of solving problems and integrating different demographics into education. These trainers acquired the necessary skills to better address inclusion and diversity in the classroom, including cultural and linguistic differences, with more diverse and better-adapted teaching styles, utilising innovative solutions and technologies. By making use of the online tool’s resources, new approaches that reduce disparities in access and participation in non-formal education -addressing issues such as discrimination, segregation and racism- were defined. The project has combined the collective experience and insight of six organisations from five countries to help expand and strengthen educators’ knowledge and skills in building an open, equal and friendly education environment. Partners from the UK (CLP), Spain (APDI Group and GrowthCoop), Greece (EELI), Romania (Avensa Consulting) and Poland (Diversity Hub) worked on a course which proposes ways of increasing the skills, resources and transnational cooperation for trainers, in ways they could benefit from and improve their teaching methods and tools.

IDiSI helped adult educators who work with diverse groups of learners – people with protected characteristics, who are also at risk of social exclusion – to be equipped with knowledge and know-how, in order to deliver educational material in the most inclusive manner and achieve the most optimum results. It supported educators – both beginners and more experienced – to take advantage of the multiplying power of teaching, by laying the foundations for the integration of diversity and social inclusion in the context of adult education.

According to the latest feedback received by teachers who tested the project’s platform, the project’s outputs were very interesting and useful. All stakeholders and local institutions are very eager to follow-up the project and to benefit from it, even after its completion. The platform and Handbook prepared by the project, were deemed as a useful tool for the promotion of integration and diversity of the disadvantaged. The project was positively evaluated by participants as majority; practitioners were pleased that they could access the project materials via an online platform, and appreciated the idea of being able to download the Handbook and all materials freely.

Please feel free to see the results of the Project:
You can visit our website: https://idisierasmus.eu/
and follow updated on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/IDiSIErasmus